Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Accomplishment: New Blog!

I've taken many steps to ensure a better future, but this is probably among the most important.

With this new blog I can record the things I'm doing to pave the road my personal van of awesomeness will drive on to deliver me and those who will eventually be working with me to greatness. The tone of course will be personally uplifting and optimistic, so as not to be confused with the LiveJournal of dread. That's for feelings and memories and other right-brained nonsense. This is for things that are... not... that.

Here I will list my goals along with what I am doing to achieve them. Places I go to, people I meet, and things I do that don't suck will be listed here. I should probably start with my goals.

- Get a job in voice acting
- Publish a novel
- Publish a graphic novel/comic book
- Produce animated series
- Produce video game

As you can see, it helps to start small and work your way up. These are my career goals. In order to achieve them I'll have to overcome a few of my personal goals. Again, the personal stuff is a bit too emotional/psychological to get into right now. The focus of this blog is my art. Personal goals such as friendship/relationship/emotional stability/sanity/fashion sense type things will be mentioned as I come across them. While I'm here... let's go for some dreams. My dreams are more like "sub-goals." If I achieve my goals, then these are the next most awesomest step.

- Produce a GOOD Sonic The Hedgehog game for consoles. One that revitalizes the franchise to the point where those gosh darn hedgehog haters online will shut their noise tubes once and for all. I'd also like to see another balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
- Start a franchise that rivals Star Wars in sheer scope and popularity. Again, these are dreams. I just want to clarify that. I want to make something popular that stays popular, and isn't just one of those things that come along, take the world by storm, and then everybody forgets about it a year or so later.
- Found a graphic novel library. I'm still gonna donate a bunch of books to the library. There are a lot of graphic novels they're missing that I want to read. I figure buying up a bunch of comics and donating them will make up for all of the money they're spending on postage getting my research materials to me. Then I just started thinkin', "Wouldn't it be awesome to have a library that was just for comic books?" I know there are comic stores, but aren't you supposed to buy things there? I'll wait for things to age a bit before I buy them so I don't take business away from retailers. But, you know, I think it'd be cool. And it could double as an ARCADE! We could get pinball, and Bubble Bobble, and Hang-On, and Street Fighter II, an' a whole bunch o' them cool old games by Atari, Namco, and Capcom. It would be THE place to be for degenerates, geeks, and budding artists with no social lives.
- Be Strong Bad for a day.

Ah, it's good to dream. It gives me something to perpetually look forward to since they will never happen. Still, I mustn't get distracted by figments of my imagination. That happens too often. Like how I spend all day daydreaming about going to the mall instead of actually going there. Yeah, that's... um... pretty sad. I think "Physically Go To The Mall" should be added to my list of personal goals. This is a blog of action and determination and sweat and blood and run on sentences and poor punctuation and insufferable egocentricities and conjunctions and pancakes and... many many words.

Stay tuned for the next episode where we might actually talk about awesome things. Or, maybe it'll be the episode after next. Or, maybe it'll be one of those much hyped about blogs that don't get good until halfway through the second season, but are canceled because by then everyone has given up on it. That seems likely.