Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dilemma! Lord Veltha VS Radio Station Part 2

At the risk of sounding repetitive...


I... was not expecting this.

As followers of my blog may remember reading in "Lord Veltha's Quest Log: Episode 3: 'What's Cooking'" (now available on DVD and BluRay. Hassle NetFlix about not carrying it and see what kind of response you get.) I had a plot brewing regarding a job at a college radio station. After a month of no response I gathered my guts and persistence up and sent them as an attached ZIP file to the station earlier in the week. Just letting them know I was still interested, and that I'm by far the most awesome person they could ever hope to meet (It was a large ZIP file. Even compressed!) I wasn't expecting to get a reply, let alone an amazingly positive one!

They would like to know my availability so they can get me in for training. That's easy enough. It's the fact that they want me to write up a proposal for a radio drama, and would like to know if I would like a one-hour or more time slot. I just wanted to talk about doing one! I didn't want to actually come up with it! Well, I did... and had an idea that I thought was the greatest thing in the world...but now I'm nervous. My writing is rather... niche... sword 'n' sorcery fantasy stuff... sci-fi super hero BS. It's meant to be satirical, as the best way for me to express my love of something is to make fun of it (Paradise Lost is HILARIOUS!) and I'm guessing the audience will appreciate the joke... but... ARG!

I don't know what to be more freaked out about! (Not that I'm freaking out. It's just a figure of speech. As the overlord it is bellow me to express such exaggerated emotions.) I have ideas for things, sure, but I don't know how to write a proposal. I'm terrible at explaining things (Which is ironic, given my leadership status as evil leader of demonic minions.) I have to write up several, 'cause who knows what's going to get turned down?

AND AN HOUR! They need to fill up an hour or more of airtime. See, this is why I need minions! I need underlings to assist me in these endeavors. Alone I am no match for the threats of the world. Back when I thought I was getting a DJ position this was no concern. I can talk with great enthusiasm about things absolutely nobody cares about. That's my greatest skill! Plus if I ran out of things to rant/rave about I could cut to music. This... this is different.

If I was just coming in to act, as I will likely end up doing, then whatever. I could come in and hang out, play for a bit, and head home satisfied. This... I don't know what to think.

FOCUS! This is why I'm the overlord! This is not a dilemma! That would suggest there were two possible outcomes, and that neither was any fun. This is either a problem (something we don't like and can potentially fix), or a puzzle (Something that has guaranteed us there's an answer, and it's our job to find it.) From a "What could possibly go wrong?" standpoint... nothing. That is, if we send a proposal they may not like it and that's that. Big deal. We can still show off our voice talent and get a job when someone comes up with an idea they DO like. Less pressure on us, we have an opportunity to do what we love, and we can learn from people who may actually know what they're doing so when the time comes we can run our own show. Probably THE worst outcome is that I don't get to write or act and I'm exactly where I was before I contacted them. That just means I've got to find something else to do, and I think I may have another opportunity lined up (HOPE!)

The plan then is to write up a proposal. This becomes first priority. We can write several, just to give them more shiny things to look at. Then... we'll worry about what to do afterwards. One thing at a time.

I still need to finish my animation. It is so close to completion! I don't want to keep the station waiting... but I need to work on it!

Meh... It's not easy being evil.

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