Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rules of the Game

(The other day before I started this blog I wrote down a list of Things I Gotta Do In Order To Be MORE Awesome and then paper clipped it to the Hotwheels display thing I've got on my door that makes for rather stylish bulleten board. It's basically a set of guidelines that will help me with my day-to-day struggles with life, the universe, and everything. In theory, if I follow these steps I should be less depressed and more eager to conquer the world. This is what I came up with. They're written in the second person for my own reference. I'm not telling you what to do, so don't feel obligated to improve your way of life. Not that your life needs improving. I didn't say that. This is just for me to help me be a better me. Chances are if you tried to be me you'd screw up. Not that you're a screw up, just that... you're... not... me. I'm a shut up now. Disclaimer over.)

  • Laugh! At self... of course. The worse things get the louder you laugh. Sorrow's okay, but always wrap it up with a joke.
  • Accept! Things won't always work out the way you want. See above. Things will be okay. Do not dwell! Do not lose courage! DO NOT LOSE HOPE! For example: Just because you didn't sleep doesn't mean you won't sleep. It's okay to say, "If I don't sleep tonight it's okay," but it'd be better if you just didn't think about it. How many people actually think about how they're going to sleep? Accept past and present. The future hasn't happened.
  • Pay Attention! I know you zone out and sometimes it seems impossible to focus. See above. Make the effort. Take charge. Try your best, but don't be hard on yourself if you can't. Again... see above.
  • Don't Think! Have faith in your talent to be you. Things have a way of working out. You are naturally awesome! Just don't let it go to your head. See above.

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